Exploring Music NFT Companies and NFT Marketplaces

Web3 & NFT & Music
Updated on
July 18, 2023
Written by
Unchained Music
Discover the transformative power of music NFT marketplaces and explore the thriving NFT music scene. Revolutionize the music industry with non-fungible tokens.

The world of digital assets has witnessed a groundbreaking revolution with the rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These unique and indivisible tokens have found their way into various industries, including art, sports, and even music. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating realm of music NFT marketplaces and explore how they are revolutionizing the music industry.

What is an NFT Marketplace?

An NFT marketplace serves as the hub where artists, creators, and collectors come together to buy, sell, and trade NFTs. Within this bustling digital ecosystem, music NFT marketplaces have emerged as key players, offering platforms for musicians to tokenize their creations and engage with fans like never before. The NFT marketplace provides a global stage for artists to showcase their music, while collectors can acquire unique and limited-edition music-related NFTs.

An Overview of Music NFT Marketplaces

Music NFT marketplaces have unlocked a plethora of opportunities for artists and musicians. These companies enable artists to monetize their work directly and gain control over their revenue streams. By tokenizing their music, artists can sell limited-edition albums, concert tickets, exclusive merchandise, and even unique experiences to their fans. This direct-to-fan engagement empowers artists, fosters a stronger connection with their audience, and revolutionizes traditional revenue models in the music industry.

Several music NFT companies have already made waves in this space. For instance, OpenSea has developed an innovative platform that allows musicians to mint and sell their music as NFTs, granting fans access to exclusive content and experiences. Audius is an NFT streaming platform, while Anotherblock.io has introduced fractional ownership of music copyrights through NFTs, allowing fans to invest in their favorite artists' catalog and share in the royalties.

Top Music NFT Marketplaces: A Closer Look

Let's take a closer look at some of the leading music NFT companies making waves in the industry:


OpenSea, established in 2017, has emerged as the leading NFT marketplace, revolutionizing the way creators and artists engage with their audiences. With support for blockchains like Ethereum, Klaytn, and Polygon, OpenSea provides a versatile platform for artists to showcase and sell a diverse range of NFTs, spanning art, collectibles, domain names, and, of course, music. Boasting an impressive monthly visitor count of 30.4 million, OpenSea has cultivated a vibrant community across various social media platforms, with Twitter (1.8M+ followers), YouTube (34.2k+ subscribers), Instagram (1.1M+ followers), and Discord (200k+ members) serving as hubs for artist collaborations and fan interactions.

OpenSea's music-centric approach sets it apart, catering specifically to musicians and artists looking to enter the the NFT minting space. The marketplace empowers musicians by providing a user-friendly minting tool to create and sell music NFTs. Artists can customize their NFTs and even earn royalties on secondary market sales, amplifying their revenue streams and retaining ownership over their creative work.

Embracing independent artists and musicians, OpenSea showcases a captivating collection of music NFTs. Notable figures such as The Weeknd, Snoop Dogg, Imogen Heap, and many others have embraced the platform, further fueling its reputation as a go-to destination for music NFTs. By fostering a supportive ecosystem that champions creativity and innovation, OpenSea is redefining the music industry, empowering artists to forge new connections and monetize their music in groundbreaking ways.


Launched in 2019, Audius is a unique platform that seamlessly combines a music streaming and sharing site with a vibrant music NFT marketplace. With a strong focus on utilizing blockchain technology, Audius aims to decentralize the music industry and provide artists with new avenues for revenue generation. Supported by Ethereum and Solana blockchains, the platform offers artists the opportunity to buy and sell their NFTs using the native $AUDIO token, enabling them to monetize their music in innovative ways.

Operating as a music streaming service akin to Spotify, Audius not only allows artists to share their original works but also provides an avenue for them to engage directly with their fans. Through Audius, artists can offer additional content, organize remix contests, and provide exclusive bonuses to collectors, fostering a deeper connection between creators and their audience. Additionally, artists can link their music NFTs on Solana and Ethereum to their Audius profiles, further enhancing their visibility and enabling seamless access to their NFT offerings.

With a growing community and an impressive monthly visitor count of 389.5k+, Audius has gained traction among music enthusiasts and industry professionals alike. Its Instagram (43k+ followers), Twitter (143k+ followers), and Discord (37k+ members) communities serve as dynamic hubs for collaborations, discussions, and the discovery of groundbreaking music.

Audius has also garnered attention through collaborations with renowned artists, including Deadmau5 and Rezz, further solidifying its position as a platform that supports and empowers creators. By combining music streaming, community engagement, and a dedicated music NFT marketplace, Audius is reshaping the music industry by providing artists with the tools and opportunities they need to thrive in a decentralized ecosystem.


Launched in 2020, Zora has established itself as a prominent platform with a mission to empower artists by providing a universal media registry protocol for publishing and monetizing their digital creations. Supported by Ethereum and the Zora Protocol, Zora offers artists a streamlined and efficient process to showcase and sell their music NFTs.

Unlike other platforms, Zora utilizes a unique approach. Instead of multiple tokens or NFTs, Zora uses a single, distinct token that can be utilized by anyone, regardless of ownership. This allows for seamless transferability and simplifies the buying process. When the original token is resold, the original creator receives a portion of the revenue, ensuring that artists continue to benefit from the success of their work.

Zora takes pride in its instant cross-platform royalty payments, enabling artists to receive timely compensation for their contributions. Additionally, the platform differentiates itself by being a gas-efficient protocol with zero fees, offering an optimized experience for both creators and collectors. This approach has garnered praise from various crypto groups, including publishing startup Mirror and collective FWB, who have embraced and utilized Zora's toolkit for creating and trading NFTs.

With a dedicated community, Zora continues to grow, attracting monthly platform visitors of over 110k+. Its Twitter (72k+ followers), Instagram (22k+ followers), and Discord (21k+ members) communities serve as active hubs for discussions, collaborations, and the discovery of unique music NFTs.

Zora's innovative approach to music NFTs, coupled with its commitment to empowering artists and streamlining the buying and selling process, positions it as a noteworthy platform within the NFT ecosystem. By providing artists with a universal media registry protocol and a transparent revenue-sharing model, Zora enables musicians to maximize their creative potential and thrive in the digital marketplace.


Established in 2018, Mintable has emerged as a popular NFT marketplace, providing creators with a platform to mint their digital works on the blockchain for free. With support for Ethereum and ImmutableX blockchains, Mintable offers a seamless experience for artists looking to tokenize and trade their music as NFTs.

One of Mintable's key attractions is its diverse array of assets available for trade, including a rich selection of music pieces. Artists and musicians can leverage the platform to showcase and monetize their music in a vibrant marketplace. Mintable fosters a dynamic community and offers various types of auctions, providing engaging opportunities for creators and collectors alike.

Mintable's user-friendly interface makes it easy to create and sell NFTs, empowering artists to navigate the world of blockchain technology with simplicity and efficiency. By removing the barriers to entry, Mintable enables creators to showcase their talent and unlock new revenue streams through the sale of their music NFTs.

With a monthly visitor count of over 229k+, Mintable has built a robust community of creators and enthusiasts. Its Twitter presence (64k+ followers) and Discord community (26k+ members) serve as active hubs for discussions, collaborations, and the discovery of unique music NFTs.

Mintable's commitment to providing an accessible and user-friendly marketplace has positioned it as a go-to platform for creators seeking to explore the world of NFTs. By empowering artists to mint and trade their music NFTs seamlessly, Mintable contributes to the evolution of the digital marketplace, transforming the way artists connect with their audience and monetize their creative endeavors.


Since its launch in 2020, Rarible has established itself as one of the earliest and premier NFT marketplaces, particularly renowned for its support of music NFT trading. What sets Rarible apart is its unique community-owned and operated framework. The decentralized nature of the platform is governed by holders of the digital token RARI, ensuring a sense of ownership and participation for its users. Musicians and artists can mint their music NFTs on Rarible using the RARI token, further reinforcing the community-centric approach.

Rarible's scope extends beyond music albums, encompassing a diverse range of NFTs, including books, digital art, movies, and more. The platform's versatility attracts a wide range of creators and collectors, fostering an engaging marketplace for artistic expression and discovery.

In terms of fees, Rarible charges a 2.5% transaction fee for each sale conducted on its marketplace. Additionally, the platform offers up to 10% in royalties, providing musicians with a lucrative revenue-sharing opportunity. This makes Rarible an attractive choice for musicians looking to monetize their music through NFTs.

One of Rarible's strengths lies in its diverse payment options. Users can purchase music NFTs using various cryptocurrencies, stable coins, or even debit/credit cards, enhancing accessibility for both creators and collectors. Rarible's commitment to accommodating multiple blockchains, including Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, Flow, ImmutableX, and Tezos, grants users a wide array of choices and access to an extensive selection of music NFTs.

With a substantial monthly visitor count of 9.7 million, Rarible has fostered a thriving community across social media platforms. Its Twitter (491k+ followers), Instagram (289k+ followers), Discord (56k+ members), and YouTube (4.5k+ subscribers) channels serve as dynamic hubs for engagement, discussions, and collaborations.

As a pioneering NFT marketplace, Rarible continues to redefine the digital landscape for musicians and creators. With its community-driven ethos, flexible payment options, diverse blockchain support, and generous royalty structure, Rarible stands out as a premier platform for musicians seeking to enter the exciting world of music NFTs.


Launched in 2021, PlayTreks is an emerging platform that combines the power of AI-driven analytics with a dedicated music NFT marketplace. Positioned as an all-in-one solution for artists, PlayTreks offers a range of features to empower musicians and provide valuable insights into their music industry journey.

One of PlayTreks' standout offerings is its AI-driven analytics platform. Artists gain access to unlimited music industry-related data, allowing them to delve into social media metrics, streaming platform performance, and more. This wealth of information empowers artists to make informed decisions and optimize their strategies for future releases, gaining a competitive edge in the evolving music landscape.

PlayTreks goes beyond analytics by providing artists with licensing control and free music distribution services. Through its comprehensive platform, artists can not only monitor radio airplay analytics but also gain digital proof of ownership for their songs. This is made possible through PlayTreks' blockchain-based NFT marketplace known as The Playground. Artists can mint their music and convert it into NFTs, unlocking the potential to monetize their creations in the vibrant world of music NFTs.

While PlayTreks' monthly platform visitors currently reach 5k+, the platform is steadily gaining popularity as musicians recognize the value of its AI-driven analytics and NFT marketplace. Its growing community across various social media platforms, including Twitter (1.3k+ followers), Instagram (21.6k+ followers), LinkedIn (4.3k+ followers), and Facebook (16k+ followers), serves as a testament to the platform's growing presence and engagement.

In summary, PlayTreks is positioning itself as a comprehensive platform that empowers artists with AI-driven analytics, licensing control, free music distribution, and access to a dedicated music NFT marketplace. By providing artists with valuable insights and the ability to tokenize their music, PlayTreks aims to support their growth and success in the ever-evolving music industry.


Launched in 2021, Catalog has swiftly established itself as a leading NFT marketplace for music, specializing in the launch of single-edition music NFTs, known as 1/1 in the NFT world. Setting itself apart from traditional marketplaces, Catalog offers a unique space for collectors to acquire exclusive and collectible tokens that are not available elsewhere.

Catalog's standout feature lies in its ability to mint and release a single edition of a music token, making each NFT a truly one-of-a-kind piece. Artists can add their records or songs to the platform's open music library and set a "buy it now" price. They can also choose to list their NFTs in reserve auctions or accept offers from collectors. Notably, artists retain full revenue from their initial sales and also receive a percentage of profits from subsequent sales of their albums. Furthermore, artists have control over the resale price they receive, empowering them to maximize their earnings.

In addition to being an NFT music marketplace, Catalog doubles as a music streaming platform, providing users with access to the music they have purchased on the platform. Describing itself as a digital record shop and a music community, Catalog offers an immersive experience for music enthusiasts and collectors.

While Catalog operates as an invite-only platform, onboarding artists and users takes time due to its small team. However, artists can still submit their work through the Catalog submission form to join the waitlist and be part of this exclusive community.

Catalog's partnership with Zora, utilizing the Zora Protocol, ensures a secure and efficient blockchain infrastructure for its marketplace. The collaboration has attracted a roster of notable artists, including Richie Hawtin, Laxcity, SALVA, Boys Noize, and many others, signifying the platform's growing influence and appeal within the music NFT space.

As Catalog continues to evolve and expand, it remains a go-to destination for music collectors seeking unique and limited-edition music NFTs. Through its focus on single-edition tokens, revenue sharing, and a thriving community, Catalog provides a distinct and compelling marketplace experience for both artists and collectors alike.


Launched in 2021, Sound.xyz has quickly made a name for itself as a pioneering music NFT marketplace that offers a unique combination of music sales and streaming services. By leveraging the power of Ethereum blockchain, Sound.xyz provides a platform where fans can directly support their favorite artists while enjoying an immersive music streaming experience.

At Sound.xyz, artists have the opportunity to release their music as NFTs, with each NFT assigned a unique number. This allows fans to purchase these early editions, showing their support for their beloved artists. The platform also provides a space for artists to host launch events for their new tracks, fostering a sense of community and excitement among fans.

One of Sound.xyz's distinguishing features is the ability for fans to post comments on the soundtracks they endorse, facilitating direct interaction between artists and their audience. This interactive element creates a dynamic and engaging environment, enhancing the connection between creators and fans.

Sound.xyz goes beyond traditional marketplaces by offering artist-owned contracts, ensuring that creators retain ownership and the chain of custody for their works. This innovative approach empowers artists to maintain control over their music and intellectual property, establishing a foundation for long-term success and sustainability.

With a monthly visitor count of 32.3k+ and over 12.2k music NFTs listed, Sound.xyz has garnered a strong and dedicated community of music enthusiasts. Its presence on Twitter (43.7k+ followers), Instagram (10.7k+ followers), and Discord (12k+ members) serves as lively hubs for discussions, collaborations, and the discovery of groundbreaking music.

As the first platform to offer artist-owned contracts and foster direct interaction between artists and fans, Sound.xyz is redefining the music industry by providing a platform that empowers artists and enables fans to show their support in meaningful ways. With its fusion of music NFTs and streaming services, Sound.xyz paves the way for a new era of music consumption and engagement.

Which NFT Marketplace is Best for selling NFTs?

The emergence of music and NFT platform companies has brought about a paradigm shift in the music industry. Through NFTs, artists now have direct access to their fanbase, creating unique experiences and monetizing their work in groundbreaking ways. As the NFT marketplace continues to evolve and expand, the future looks promising for music NFTs. By embracing this technology, artists and musicians can forge new paths, connect with fans on a deeper level, and reshape the music industry for years to come.




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