
How long will it take to receive my royalties from Unchained Music?

Last updated on
November 23, 2023

We're working hard to make sure you get your royalties faster. With the launch of our new platform, we aim to reduce the time from what used to be around 7 months down to about 4 months. However, it's important to keep in mind that different music platforms have their own schedules for paying out royalties. This means not every platform will make monthly payments. Some may take longer, while others might pay out more frequently. We're doing our best to streamline the process so you can receive your earnings as quickly as possible. Thanks for your patience and understanding as we work on making these improvements!

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Response times by plan:
Core Tier
5 Business Days
Grow Tier
3 Business Days
Pro Tier
2 Business Days
< 24 Hours