
How does Unchained Music handle explicit content?

Last updated on
November 23, 2023

Unchained Music has specific guidelines and policies in place to handle explicit content, including cover art, lyrics, metadata, and the use of self-censorship. Here's how Unchained Music addresses explicit content:

Cover Art:

  • Releases with images related to drugs, violence, sex, or containing obscene language and insults must display the "Parental Advisory" logo.
  • If the cover art is extremely explicit (e.g., pornography, racism, violence trivialization, or encouragement of drug use), Unchained Music's quality control (QC) team may request a change, as such content might be prohibited by distribution channels.
  • Variations of the "Parental Advisory" logo, including alternative logos like "Restricted," are allowed. The color or shape of the logo can be modified as long as it maintains the same formula.

Lyrics and Metadata:

  • The "explicit lyrics" box must be checked at the track level when the title or the lyrics contain explicit content, especially if they mention topics like sex, drugs, violence, or contain obscene language or insults.
  • If explicit tracks are indicated, the entire album will be automatically flagged as explicit.
  • Unless the cover art is the only explicit content of the album (and the lyrics and metadata are clean), the tracks should not be marked as explicit.
  • It's important to note that instrumental songs cannot be marked as explicit.


  • Self-censorship, such as inserting asterisks in titles or altering artist names, track titles, or album titles, is not permitted. They must be submitted in their original intended form.
  • Explicit words are automatically censored in some channels, appearing as "fk" or "st." Users should not insert asterisks in titles themselves.

Hateful Speech:

  • If content is extremely violent towards a minority or vulnerable group, Unchained Music's QC team reserves the right to block the implicated users and take down all their content.

Nazi Content:

  • Nazi references and content related to Nazism are strictly forbidden. Such content will be banned in all circumstances and channels.
  • Nazi symbolism, glorification of Nazism, and any offensive symbology related to specific groups or ethnicities are prohibited.
  • Unchained Music's QC team reserves the right to remove and block accounts and take down releases that violate these guidelines.

Unchained Music's policies on explicit content are in place to ensure compliance with distribution channel requirements and to maintain a respectful and responsible content environment. Users are expected to adhere to these guidelines when distributing their music through the platform.


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